Fahrenheit and Celsius...
Boston School of Hard Knocks.
ive been going thru a lot of the different posts on here and seeing that most here believe that higher education is very important.
i agree that it is important and i plan on going back to school in the fall but im just wondering who all here has a degree and in what?
just curious .
Fahrenheit and Celsius...
Boston School of Hard Knocks.
for those who were in or still are.. when do/did you begin counting time?
as you left for the house group, or after the meeting was over?
did you count the car trip to and from?
The night before I deside to pretend to out door to door I like to put in 18 hrs on a Saturday as I watch The Marothon Of Band Of Brothers On SPIKE TV.
My god get a life who cares about counting time you .......... sad sad Koolaid victim
a comment or two made on the "gay glee" thread prompts this question.
a couple posters said that gay people shouldn't show affection in public and went on to add that even heterosexual affection in public makes them uncomfortable, or it isn't appropriate, or whatever.. my question is simply, why?.
my wife and i are very affectionate in public and i know it has honked off some people but we frankly don't understand why..
so i don't understand it seems to me from the posts that i have read just about everyone is disassociated.. just wondering if that's true or if i am not the only one on here still within the organization..
Neither Da'd or Df'd ...........
last I heard...11 yrs out
here's mine :.
back in the early 90's we went to the sunday talk and wt study.. lo and behold, a friend from the 70's who was df'ed ( he had just been reinstated) was there along with his parents.
i had no idea that they would have been there.. one of my kids was getting sick, so my wife and i were up-down the entire meeting walking him around.
Some of my fav ones I snuck out went home watched some Hard Core Porn..... threw one out and back in time to say AMEN!!!!!
it was a classic moment of jw-ery.
my son, who happens to be a female to male.
transgender 17 yo boy, was with me at the.
sounds like this.........
I heard on the 3'd Level there was a CVS open 24/7
am i the only one who's in awe at the stock invested in the average jw's correlation to the society's publications and the probability of what the new world will be?
from my conversations with people in the various congregations i've been in, i've pieced together their concept of the new system:.
women and clean-shaved men in casual-business attire constantly gardening adjacent to tiger cubs.
We can pet Unicorns in the New System too
is he on this board?
does anyone know the reason he left?
what denomination is his church?.
LOL He took me under his wing in the early 80's.......
Would love to have a beer with him today!!!!
so this weekend my wife had a major grand mal seizure for the first time in her life.
she was rushed to the er.
a few hours later while i was at her side she had another major one.. it was the scariest moment in my life.
Boo Hoo Bro Dan..........LOL